RAID [Redundant Array of Independent Disks] is a way of providing redundancy to the stored data, providing protection from Disk failures. RAID makes it possible to use lower-priced disks are in large numbers to safely store data. There is increased availability and…
Amazon Leadership Principles – my thoughts.
Leadership principles are important for Amazon – when they hire, when they do evaluations in the job etc. If you are preparing for an interview with Amazon, you should be expecting a lot of behavioral questions around these principles –…
Gettings started with Ansible.
Ansible is an open-source tool that enables the automation, configuration, and orchestration of infrastructure. It fully embraces the concept of Infrastructure as Code. We can build out our entire system in code, store all code in source control, do a…
Introduction to YAML!
YAML Ain’t Markup Language! It is designed with a focus on human-readable formatting. The creators of YAML wanted it to be easily readable by humans. It is portable, easily extendable, and supports one-pass processing (means, the program can go through…
Preparing for AWS Solution Architect (Professional) Certification.
Backstory I cleared the AWS Solution Architect – Associate level certification in 2019. It wasn’t too hard, I could clear it with a couple of years of on-job experience and almost a month of reading. [You can find more details…
Hello world!
Hola, So, this is my first post here. I have been thinking about setting up a blog for a while now. I believe I have done enough ‘thinking’ (around 5-6 years) and I should ‘do’ something about it now! Not…